Chaos in the Conifers
Preparation is only productive with a finish line
The clouds may be clearing, but the lake is still low
The grass that has grown back could use a mow…
Blue skies are present as much as you can see a shooting star behind the trees
Round two: I spot a plane!
Actually, I see two…
Could the night progress?
Should it progress?
I’m as fragile as a sheet of paper,
Please don’t tear me
I know what’s best for me
but I always feel an urge to fight it,
There’s an opposing energy within
Perhaps someone already ripped the parchment
Doesn’t matter now,
she wasn’t meant to be fancy
Bargain brand college-ruled FTW!
Why be mad at her?
What were the faults?
Was is merely a reflection
of my own desperation?
Both of us have stopped weeping
Will this evening turn around?
The clouds are hinting at “yellow”…
But they can’t make a sound.