How much time do you spend avoiding a problem?
Sometimes we spend more time avoiding a problem than it takes to actually implement a solution.
- putting away laundry
- washing the dishes
- doing any chore for that matter
- putting the toilet paper roll on the holder
- Calling the doctor to schedule an appointment
- Picking up the fuzz that my dog ripped out of a stuffed animal
Nothing here is that complicated. Heck, it doesn’t even take that long to do. A few minutes? Maybe 10-15 on a really crazy task?
So why do we choose to avoid the low hanging fruit of to-do items?
We walk past it in the house or see it lingering on our calendars or todo lists. We physically avoid the thing. We walk past it, look past it, and push down the little uncomfortable feeling that reminds us to get it over with.
Where does this lead to us? Eventually we literally spend more time avoiding a problem than it took to actually finish it.

I hate looking at the clean laundry basket full of clothes in my bedroom. I hate pushing it aside when I need to get to something on the other side. I hate stepping over it in the dark when I’m going to bed. Fuck this! It just sits there looking unaesthetic and unfinished. Staring me down.
Why the heck would I choose ^ for the next week instead of just finishing the damn thing?! If I finish it, then I don’t need to look at it. If I finish it, then I never have to think about it ever again.
I haven’t even mentioned the mental bandwidth that things take up. Gross, so much gross.
So why do we take up this EXTRA baggage of witnessing and feeling our unfinished business, instead of just doing the thing?
Do the thing.
If it takes less than a minute, definitely do it. If it takes 10 minutes, do it next time you can.