To Beg Like a Kid in a Candy Shop
To be the lover of he who should not be talked of
for others may break the flower pot
and let all beauty fall upon the cold concrete and carry the need to be thrown away.
How it bubbles inside the wanted lover to boil up and over for others to see,
for him to see,
but sometimes one must keep a resolution from themselves until concluded
so the happiness is higher than how it would have been if it was planned.
Aw. This one’s passive, removed of any pronouns or nouns to attribute to. That makes sense in the context of the previous poems.
Why does removal of any pronouns make sense in the context of previous poems? Im curious
I don’t remember what I was thinking about then. But right meow? AN OLDER POEM STANZA OBSERVE!!!
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old Time is still a-flying;
And this same flower that smiles today
Tomorrow will be dying.