Where the Mind Goes, Energy Flows
Netflix. Food. Instagram. Book. Food. Netflix. Netflix. Tumblr…
Agh! The stimuli.

What ever happened to those hours I spent alone growing up, hanging out with myself?
Maybe I’d watch the neighbors drive past or planes migrate across the sky or find patterns in the wall texture.
My life was centered around imagination and wonder rather than mindless entertainment.
“The most important thing you own and can give away is your attention.”
—San Pedro / Aguacoya Shaman
You know, those ideas that you can’t quite put into words until you hear someone else says it? This was one of them. It resonated with me HARD…to the point of goosebumps truthbumps, a jawdrop, and staring off into the ethers for a little bit.
Being alive used to be an entire meditation, now I have to “make time” for it.
“You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes each day
—unless you are too busy.
Then you should sit for an hour”
—Zen Proverb
Even sillier, is thinking that it’s something that I have to “make time” to do.
Why am I thinking that meditation is a doable activity and not the seamless state of consciousness that it is?
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